Uncommon Dungeon Fish

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Title: Uncommon Dungeon Fish

Author: Cpt. Piddlewash

In thee sacred trust I be bestowin' our knowledge. Ne'er afore hath sailor nor wench set down in pen the secrets o' Sosaria fishing. Tis only by the will o' the Order of the Dragonfish that I do. Tis now up to you to protect this knowledge and earn the trust o' the Order. This knowledge can make you wealthy. Guard it well.

Crag Snapper:

Crag Snapper be fine eating. Just mind yer fingers.

Cutthrout Trout:

This dungeon menace 'tis the very one that gave rise to the ol' saying. 'Ne'er take a bath in dungeon water.


Ye find this fish in undergroun rivers and lakes. But only dark undergroun rivers and lakes.

Demon Trout:

Beware, this big devil comes out of the water spicy.


The smaller cousin o' the dragonfish, this beauty be much easier to catch and thus more commonly used in cooking.

Dungeon Chub:

This be the only subterranean member o' the chub family.

Grim Cisco:

This fish is sought for medicinal purposes. They say it be the best cure for hysteria.

Infernal Tuna:

This fish be deadly poisonous unless ye cook it in butter with a bit o' thyme and serve it will ale.

Lurker Fish:

These fish like to hide up under corpses floating in underground rivers.

Orc Bass:

If ye be ever chased by orcs, throw one down an keep runnin! Ever since I started tellin' folks this, I been sellin more orc bass.

Snaggletooth Bass:

This dungeon lurker be resemblin' a large mouth bass excepting it be having huge jagged teeth.

Tormented Pike:

This pike be hunted by every monster in Sosaria except few a few.

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