Al'Koda due Tenar

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Title: Al'Koda due Tenar

Author: Maligant Mondayn

I, follower Draven Milas Tarel, here inscribe what was give to the mask of a dream.

There are the twelve of claiming -
And there is the one lost who shall be torn by dark and light,
And there is the one hidden in shame...
All childern of the prophecy...

One shall bear the guilt, one the shame;
one shall be the leader, one the seeker;
one the dreamer, one the dream;
one the path, one the light;
one will bear the curse most dearly and one it shall not touch;
one shall hold the truth, and one shall veil the lie:
and one shall be the key.

He whose name is the swordstroke must be found,
and the shepherd will watch over his flock,
and the lion will stand at their side,
and the tiger will bear his fangs for them.
The promise rings in the stone's heart

Lost in Death, found in Death
Meaning driven from the stone,
It weeps...
Breaking glass of silence
Fire drawing the scent of roses,
The stone breaks, yet remains whole
The vane points north
The minotaur's lair
Holds secrets and yields them up twofold,

The world tears and its rending can be heard in the hearts Of the belovyd
And in their sacred dreams
The pilgrim must seek
And the supplicant must bare his soul
And the lover must steel his heart
And the dreamer must yield up his dreams
And the warrior must sheathe his sword only to bare it again
And strange truths must be divined
Strange riddles ravelled
Strange and sacred word profaned
Promise given and chains broken
All nature sings at the dawning
And all life rejoices in the singing...
Yet beware, pilgrim
Answers lead to questions
Questions lead to the altar,
And the altar leads to truth revealed,

Seek...your own heart

you will never aid the childern of Faerie
blood who be
The childern

(blood stained, the next few lines are unreadable)