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The Eight Virtues of Lord British

The Virtues of Lord British are made up from a system of three principles which are combined to form eight virtues. The virtues are meant to be used together, and if any one is taken to the extreme they can cause unvirtuous acts. Thus, one should not follow only one or two virtues, such as Honesty and Honor, but should conform to all at once in order to do the most good in the world. Each principle and virtue has a mantra, color, sigil, city, and opposition associated with it. That being said, here are the three principles and eight virtues conceived of by Lord British:

The Three Principles

  • Truth - The orderly principle of the virtues. Truth is that which is factual and real and logical. The mantra of Truth is Ver, its color is light blue, its sigil is the Book of Truth, and its keep is the Lycaeum on Verity Isle. The opposite of Truth is Falsehood.
  • Love - The chaotic principle of the virtues. Love is an emotional bond between all living things and the self. The mantra of Love is Amo, its color is light yellow, its sigil is the Candle of Love, and its keep is Empath Abbey in the Great Wood near Yew. The opposite of Love is Hate.
  • Courage - The balanced principle. Courage is the will to struggle for ones beliefs and others. The mantra of Courage is Cor, its color is light red, its sigil is the Bell of Courage, and its keep is Serpent's Hold off the coast near Trinsic in the Valorian Isles. The opposite of Courage is Cowardice.


The Eight Virtues

  • Honesty - Derived from Truth. Honesty is the commitment to try to never deceive oneself or another. The mantra of Honesty is Ahm, its color is blue, its sigil is an open hand with the palm outward, and its city is Moonglow. The shrine of Honesty is located to the north of Verity Isle on Dagger Isle. The opposite of Honesty is Deceit.
  • Compassion - Derived from Love. Compassion is a complete empathy for any and all living beings. The mantra of Compassion is Mu, its color is yellow, its sigil is a heart, and its city is Britain. The shrine of Compassion is located to the north of Britain, in the desert of Compassion. The opposite of Compassion is Despise.
  • Valor - Derived from Courage. Valor is the will to stand up for oneself even in the face of danger. The mantra of Valor is Ra, its color is red, it sigil is an upright sword, and its city is Jhelom. The shrine of Compassion is located to the east of Jhelom in the Valorian Isles. The opposite of Valor is Destard.
  • Justice - Derived from Truth and Love. Justice is the true knowledge of what is right and wrong and the love of that which is right. The mantra of Justice is Beh, its color is green, its sigil is a set of balanced scales, and its city is Yew. The shrine of Justice is located to the east of Yew on the outskirts of the Great Wood. The opposite of Justice is Wrong.
  • Sacrifice - Derived from Love and Courage. Sacrifice is the helping of others at a cost to oneself. The mantra of Sacrifice is Cah, its color is orange, its sigil is a tear drop, and its city is Minoc. The shrine of Sacrifice is located to the east of Minoc. The opposite of Sacrifice is Covetous.
  • Honor - Derived from Truth and Courage. Honor is the courage to uphold that which is true. The mantra of Honor is Summ, its color is purple, its sigil is a chalice, and its city is Trinsic. The shrine of Honor is located near the coast in the jungles south of Trinsic. The opposite of Honor is Shame.
  • Spirituality - Derived from all three principles. Spirituality is the struggle to better oneself and others and the knowledge of the sanctity of all beings. The mantra of Spirituality is Om, its color is white, its sigil is an ankh, and its city is Skara Brae. The shrine of Spirituality is located to the east of Skara Brae or to the northwest of Trinsic. The opposite of Spirituality is Hythloth.
  • Humility - Derived from the opposite of the lack of all three principles. Humility is the knowledge of ones true place in the world gained through the knowledge of the worth of all beings. The mantra of Humility is Lum, its color is black, its sigil is a shepherd's crook, and its city is New Magincia. The shrine of Humility is located on Fire Isle, in the far southeast corner of the world. The opposite of Humility is Pride.

My Thoughts on the Virtues

A point of contention between myself and many other virtue scholars is that the virtues are a balanced system, and that any one individual unbalanced virtue, if not coupled with a complimentary virtue, such as Honesty or Honor coupled with Compassion or Sacrifice, can cause harm. I have, however, found this to be largely true through experience.

A few examples might include an honorable but unsacrificial knight who may follow orders which are ethically wrong, such as illegally oust a family from their home for their land that his lord wants to have and cite that he did it because he swore fealty to his lord. Another might be a sacrificial but dishonorable man who may give away all he has to the poor without thinking about the obligations he holds towards his family to provide for and protect them. Yet another might be an honest yet unsacrificial military officer who would give up important troop locations which may allow the enemy to win to save his own hide.

As you can see, these can happen while still being true to the singular virtue but are unethical and may betray the rest of the virtues. One must do their best to follow them all as a whole in order to do right in the world. One must rationally think out their problems and find the best solution through the virtues to solve them. If a virtuous knight who has sworn fealty is commanded to do something wrong, then the knight must also remember that he has first sworn fealty to the virtues above all. One must think of the consequences of their sacrifice before they give all they have away. One must always consider the ramifications of their actions to their reasonably possible extents before they act, but this of course does not mean that one cannot act quickly. In these snap judgments one should consider as much as they can. It is admittedly and rather noticeably sloppier, but it is necessary in some circumstances.

When the virtues are used as a whole in balance with one another, there is a very slim possibility that one's actions shall come back to haunt them in the end. When the virtues are in balance, good follows the follower. In Balance one can change the world for the better.

(Note: All shrine, keep, and city locations are given for Ultima Online and do not necessarily reflect their locations in Britannia Prime.)

Lord Phoenix
High Priest of the Temple of Paladine
Councilor of Balance

The Eight Virtues of the Gargoyles

My knowledge of the belief system of the gargoyles is unreliable at best when it comes to the finer details of their virtues. What I do know, however, is that the gargoyles base their belief structure off the same form as did Lord British. They are composed of three principles, which go on to form eight virtues, each with its own mantra and respective color and meaning. Much like the virtues of Lord British, they are meant to be used as a whole, and not singularly, lest they loose structure and fall apart. As the gargoyles state in their Book of Circles, which describes their virtue system,"A circle has no end. It continues forever, with all parts equally important in the success of the whole." To that end, here is a list of their principles and virtues:

The Three Principles

  • Control - The orderly principle of the gargoyles. Its mantra is Un and its color is light blue.
  • Passion - The chaotic principle of the gargoyles. Its mantra is Or and its color is light yellow.
  • Diligence - The balanced principle of the gargoyles. Its mantra is Us and its color is light red.


The Eight Virtues

  • Direction - Derived from Control. Its mantra is Trak-Tas and its color is blue.
  • Feeling - Derived from Passion. Its mantra is Sent and its color is yellow.
  • Persistence - Derived from Diligence. Its mantra is Te-Per-Tas and its color is red
  • Balance - Derived from Control and Passion. Its mantra is Mis-Tas and its color is green.
  • Achievement - Derived from Passion and Diligence. Its mantra is Le-In-Tas and its color is orange.
  • Precision - Derived from Control and Diligence. Its mantra is Ben-In-Tas and its color is purple.
  • Singularity - Derived from all three principles. Its mantra is Pri-Tas and its color is white.
  • Order - Derived from the opposite of none of the three principles. Its mantra is Ord and its color is black.

Lord Phoenix
High Priest of the Temple of Paladine
Councilor of Balance

The Tenets of Paladine

These tenets were laid down on paper over fifty years ago (would now be over 100 - Phoenix) by myself, and are copied here for your use.

  1. Thou shalt not harm those who hath not harmed thee first.
  2. Show compassion to all living things, no matter how evil.
  3. Be honorable in all matters, even when dealing with dishonorable people.
  4. Show valor and do not flee from battles unless grievously wounded.
  5. Be humble, for pride brings down even the mightiest of heros.
  6. Be honest under all circumstances, for truth will reward you later.
  7. Know thyself, for you are your own greatest ally.
  8. Be willing to sacrifice all for the good of others.
  9. Justice must be served, but remember, Justice is both truth and love for both the criminal and victims.
  10. Follow nothing blindly, for it is our differences of opinions and ideas which make us a good people.

Lord Phoenix
High Priest of the Temple of Paladine
Councilor of Balance

The Principles and Philosophy of Order

Order. The great constrainer. Order, in its purest sense, is that which ensures that everything runs as it should without any interruptions. Any interruptions which do present themselves are quickly and mercilessly wiped out to ensure the stability of the whole. Order is rules, regulations, and bureaucracy. Order controls all physical and magical things in some way or another, wether it is the basic laws of physics or in the necessary casting of a spell to release its energy.

Order is composed of three principles which give it its orderly form and function. Those three principles are:

  • Ethicality - Ethicality is the belief in the strict adherence to rules and law, regardless of any natural tendencies.
  • Discipline - Discipline is the control over oneself that allows one to ignore any distractions in order to complete their goal.
  • Logic - Logic is clear, step by step, reasoning thought that allows one to think without any interference from one's biases or instincts.

These principles may seem harmless enough at first, but of course there is often danger running beneath that which can seem harmless. For instance, Order squeezes out almost all compassion, humanity, or independent will from those who follow it zealously. They become as a gear in a golem. They serve their function, and that is all they do.

In order to escape this fate, Order must be combined with its sister of Chaos, for without Chaos, Order shall eventually grind itself to a halt as it shall have no more purpose. Three things result from Order without Chaos, one for each of its principles. Those three states are:

  • Prejudice - Prejudice arises from Ethicality without Toleration. It is a belief that one's ways are better than anothers', and a holding of no respect or consideration for those others' ways.
  • Apathy - Apathy comes from Discipline without Enthusiasm. It is an all pervasive sense of hopelessness in which nothing new or better ever gets done.
  • Ruthlessness - Ruthlessness arises from Logic without Emotion. It is actions taken without thought or any regard whatsoever for others.

As you can see, Order brings a state of stability and regulations to that which it touches, but too much stability means too little energy to move. Without the energy from Chaos, Order stagnates and ceases any true productivity.

Lord Phoenix
High Priest of the Temple of Paladine
Councilor of Balance

The Principles and Philosophy of Chaos

Chaos. Disorganized, undirected energy. Chaos is that which gives the world and those within the drive to move, act, create, or destroy. Chaos has given the world many things such as art, poetry, war, love, hatred, and humor. However, even Chaos must be bound by its sister of Order in order to create these things, for without some form to constrain it, all its energy is wasted.

Chaos is composed, much like Order, of three principles. Those three principles are:

  • Tolerance - That which promotes acceptance of any and all things.
  • Enthusiasm - That which gives one the drive to accomplish great things.
  • Emotion - The ability to perceive feelings which come from the heart.

There is of course a darker side to Chaos, as I have hinted at above. Without a sufficient amount of Order to balance Chaos, there arises three terrible things. Without Order, Chaos decends into evil and wastefulness. Those three things are:

  • Anarchy - Anarchy comes from a state of Tolerance without Ethicality. Anarchy is the acceptance of anything, no matter how disruptive or destructive it may be.
  • Wantonness - Wantonness comes from Enthusiasm without Discipline. Wantonness is action without self control or restraint.
  • Insanity - Insanity is Emotion without Logic. Insanity is the inability to control ones' emotional impulses with logical or rational thought.

As you can see, Chaos brings motion and drive into the world so that things may be properly accomplished, but too much movement without constraint and things shake themselves apart. Without Order's stability, Chaos can create nothing, only destroy.

Lord Phoenix
High Priest of the Temple of Paladine
Councilor of Balance

The Principles and Philosophy of Balance

Balance is the marriage of Order and Chaos into one. It is formed from the three principles from Order and Chaos working in harmony with each other. It is for this reason that Balance shall always be stronger and better than Order and Chaos could ever be alone. Balance preserves the world from the stifling stability of Order and the manic fluctuations of Chaos. All things move from Chaos to Order and eventually back again in an attempt to find the middle ground, the Balance between the two, each swing of the pendulum coming closer and closer to stopping in the middle.

Balance is constructed, as I have already stated, of the three principles of Order and the three principles of Chaos to form the three principles of Balance. Those three principles are:

  • Harmony - Harmony is formed from the coupling of Ethicality and Tolerance. Harmony is the ability to be at peace with oneself and the world around them.
  • Dedication - Dedication is formed from the marriage of Discipline and Enthusiasm. Dedication gives one the drive and control necessary to overcome any obstacle.
  • Rationality - Rationality comes from Logic and Emotion. Rationality gives one the ability to understand life and the world around them fully.

Balance is not neutrality, which I have found most people who come to Britannia without knowledge of it believe. Balance is the side of right and good and it fights to right any wrong it comes across. Without some modicum Balance, the forces of Order and Chaos strike out and writhe around one another until they choke themselves out and destroy each other. Without the Balance, all things shall be destroyed.

Lord Phoenix
High Priest of the Temple of Paladine
Councilor of Balance

The Language of the Gargoyles


"Gargoyle" is an English corruption of gargl, the Gargoyles' name for themselves and their language. An informal word for gargl as the name of the Gargoyle language is "Gargish".

Spoken Gargish is grammatically rather flexible. Distinctions between nouns, adjectives, and verbs are indicated by gestures and intonations. This flexibility is also apparent in the names of magic spells derived from Gargish phrases. "Vas Sanct Lor", for instance, is derived from the Gargish vas saengkt lor, but it is equally correct to say saengkt vas lor or even lor saengkt vas. Gargoyles tend to omit words they consider to be unnecessary complications, like pronouns, and they often speak in infinitives. While a Human attempting to speak Gargish might come up with something like í est ker í le vid ú prae, "I'm certain that I've seen you before", a Gargoyle would simply say ker le vid prae (or more idiomatically, ker prae vid le), "to be certain having seen before". With practice, it's possible to deduce the implied pronouns in a Gargoyle sentence, but it's not always easy.

Unlike spoken Gargish, the written language has no way to mark the intonations and gestures that make the speech intelligible, so there are suffixes that mark words as being verbs, nouns, or adjectives, and also indicate the tense and aspect of verbs. In many cases, these are words which are meaningful by themselves, such as the adjectival suffix -de, which means "of" in isolation. Here is a list of the most common suffixes:

  • -char "part" (names a tool used for doing a certain action, such as agrachar "weapon")
  • -de "of" (marks adjectives or adverbs formed from nouns, verbs, and other words)
  • -ku "with" (forms adjectives, such as mirku "watery")
  • -le "end" (marks past tense or perfective aspect of verbs)
  • -lem "one" (similar to English -er in baker, writer, miner, etc.)
  • -re "begin" (marks future tense of verbs)
  • -sa "able" (similar to English -able, ible)
  • -tas "quality" (marks abstract nouns, such as ámotas "love", vs. ámo "to love")
  • -te "in" (marks present tense or imperfective aspect of verbs)
  • -ve "like" (forms adjectives, such as misve "similar")


Most gargoyles have names that describe their profession. Lensmaker (Lorrelinlem) is an example of that type of name. Other names are meaningful, like Behlem, the Just One. But many gargoyles, particularly the elite, have names which are meaningless in themselves, like Draxínusom. A number of these names are listed in the vocabulary.



Gargoyles have an alphabet of 30 characters, arranged in a 5x6 pattern. Similar sounds are grouped together by rows and columns. For instance, the first row, transcribed as p b m f v u, represents sounds that are produced with the lips, and the sounds in the first column, p t ch kl k, are all voiceless stops. (The remaining rows are: t d n s z e, ch j ny sh zh i, kl gl nl hl l o, and k g ng h r a.) The letter u also serves to represent w at the beginning of a syllable when followed by a vowel. The sequence k-u is sometimes pronounced ku, as in kuante, but more frequently kw (traditionally transcribed as qu), as in quas. Three of the letters (ny, nl, and hl) serve only to complete the chart, and are not found in contemporary spoken Gargish.

The Gargish language has long and short vowels. They are not normally distinguished in spelling, except where this would cause confusion. For example, uus means "up," but us means "diligence." In this document, long vowels are marked with an accent: us vs. úus, súm vs. summ.


Here are a few samples of Gargish sentences translated literally, then into more idiomatic English.

Teresta sit lem antende nóm.
place-that lie ones not-have-of name
Here lie those that had no names.

Estatim i perle lorrel re inwíslor kódex ad quad.
that-time I used light-change begin make-know-light codex upon cube
Then I used the lens to form an image of the Codex upon the cube.

Ánte esta terreg máníte múr anísh zen.
in that place-home living number strange creature
In that land live many strange creatures.

A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
but what ones-number knowing, not creature not-with wing true-of knowledge.
But as everyone knows, no creature without wings is truly intelligent.

Ánte kódex skríle prí ben esh ver res quí quae.
in codex written one well and true answer any problem
Within the Codex is written the one right and true answer to any problem.

Anvolde lem ansa lók, esh anten skítas de volde lem.
not-wing-of ones not-can speak, and not-have know-ness of wing-of ones
The wingless ones cannot speak, and lack the intelligence of the winged ones.

Tú rete ku klí axi: ún, or, esh us.
All beginning with three principle: control, passion, and diligence
All begins with the three principles: Control, Passion and Diligence.

Ita anai de axi vidúkte trak semde bentas, ord.
thus not-there-is of principle see-guiding toward seven-of well-quality, order
Thus the absence of the principles points toward the seventh virtue, Order.

Page copied from the Ultima Web Archive maintained by the UDIC. Code cleaned and converted and images recreated by Lord Phoenix Dragon -=*UDIC*=-.

The Gargish Dictionary

Note: If you have the Ultima Font installed, then the words below will appear in Gargish and in (English).

a(a) but; yet
ad(ad) upon
ade(ade) however
a{o(aglo) armor
agra(ágra) attack; hit
ágra-char: weapon
ágra-char-in-lem: weaponsmith
ágra-lem: fighter; guard; warrior
ágra-tas: struggle
ah(áh) sixty-four
ai(ai) there is; there are
ai-re: there will be
ailem(áilem) matter; thing
áilem-de: solid
ak(ak) sharp
aki(aki) hawk
alb(alb) white
aksi(axi) principle
axi-múr: the three principles
ali(ali) (an)other
alt(alt) deep
am(am) honesty; honest
amo(ámo) love
ámo-lem: friend; loved one
an(an) negate; negative; not; none; no
an-ai: absence
an-áilem: nothing
an-ámo: hate; hatred
an-ámo-lem: enemy
an-bal-sil-fer: False Prophet
an-ben: sick; ill
an-ex: slave; enslave
an-ex-por: lock; locked; closed
an-flam: cold; douse; put out
an-húr: calm
an-in: destroy
an-jux: safe; untrap; remove danger
an-kad-sa: infallible
an-kal: banish
an-kans: famine
an-kred: discredit
an-ku: without
an-lor: dark; darkness
an-lor-tim: night
an-mání: hurt; harm
an-múr: few
an-múr-de: countless
an-nax: cure poison
an-nax-áilem: antidote
an-ord: chaos
an-ort: negate magic
an-por: still; motionless; stop; lock; rest
an-quas: real; reality
an-rel: static; constant; unchanging
an-sá: cannot
an-saengkt: unprotected; curse(d)
an-ten: lack
an-tim: never
an-vol-de: wingless
an-wís: foolish; unwise; forget
an-zen: inanimate
an-zú: awake; wake up, awaken
aniw(anísh) strange
anmanivas(anmánívas) Anmanivas (name)
ansikart(ansikart) Ansikart (name)
ante(ánte) enter; in; into; within
aper(apér) open
apér-ter: door; gate
apta(ápta) proper; correct
ápta-de: properly
arb(arb) bush; vegetation
arb-flam: forest fire
arc(arch) bow
arg(arg) silver
ari(arí) berserk
ark(ark) hide; keep (away)
art(art) master
atri(átri) hall
au(au) or
aud(aud) hear; listen; ear
aud-char: song
aur(aur) gold
aurvidlem(aurvidlem) Aurvidlem (name)
auks(aux) help
avatar(ávatar) Avatar
bal(bal) evil; bad; doom
bal-lem: Evil One
bal-sil: prophecy
bal-sil-fer: prophet
bal-zen: monster
beh(beh) justice
beh-de: proper
beh-lem: just one; judge
ben(ben) well
ben-de: properly; well
ben-fin: success
ben-in: craft
ben-in-áilem: artifact
ben-in-lem: goodscrafter
ben-in-tas: precision
ben-mon-tas: administration
ben-om-mání: prosperity
ben-tas: virtue
bet(bet) small
bet-lem: child
bet-ter-mír: well
bet-tim: young; new
bet-zen: insect
betra(betra) Betra (name)
bolew(bólesh) Bolesh (name)
brak(brák) arm
can(chan) allow
chan-por: admit
chan-por-tas: admittance
car(char) part
char-zen: member
daemon(dáemón) daemon
de(de) belong; possess; of; from; than; like
delsa(delsa) soft
des(des) reduce; lower; down
des-áilem: hail; meteor storm
des-de: below
des-in-tas: foundation; underpinning
des-lem: Gargoyle worker
des-por: descend
des-ter: valley
des-ter-múr: underworld
dig(dig) finger
dis(dis) apart; asunder
don(don) give; drop; yield
draksinusom (draxínusom) Draxinusom (name)
duk(dúk) guide
dur(dur) for (period of time)
drak(drak) dragon
ek(ek) six
ekui(equi) horse
er(er) so
ew(esh) and
est(est) be; exist; is; are
esta(esta) that; those
esta-de: thereby; therewith
esta-tim: then
eks(ex) freedom; free; release
ex-por: open; unlocked
fel(fel) wrong
fel-tas: error
fel-wís: false; falsehood; lie; fable
feluka(felúka) Felucca (the moon)
fer(fer) bring; bear
fin(fin) end
firm(fírm) close; shut
flam(flam) flame; fire; heat
flam-tim: summer
fodus(fódus) Fodus (name)
for(for) strong
foranamo(foranámo) Foranamo (name)
forbrak(forbrák) Forbrak (name)
forlem(forlem) Forlem (name)
forskis(forskis) Forskis (name)
ful(ful) brown
gar{(gargl) Gargoyle; Gargish
{or(glór) glory
grat(grat) thank(s)
grav(grav) energy; power
gres(gres) out; exit; way (out)
gres-por: exit; leave; go out; hatch; begone
harm(harm) harmony
hiuman(hiúman) human
horffe(horffé) Horffe (name)
hori(hori) gray
hur(húr) wind; air
i(í) I, me
ide(íde) my
ilem(ílem) we, us (he/she/they and I)
in(in) make; create; cause; form; become
in-bet: shrink; focus
in-des: reduce
in-ex: free; release
in-flam: ignite; burn
in-húr: blow
in-jux: threaten; endanger
in-korp: die; kill
in-lor: illuminate
in-mání: heal
in-mání-lem: healer
in-nax: poison (v)
in-ort: enchant
in-ten: maintain
in-por: go; come
in-por-dis: avert
in-saengkt: protect
in-vas: grow; enlarge
in-wís: learn; teach; study
in-wís-lók: interpret
in-wís-lor: create an image
in-zen: born; birth
in-zú: fall asleep
inforlem(inforlem) Inforlem (name)
init(init) begin
inmanilem(inmánílem) Inmanilem (name)
int(int) join
inuisloklem (inwíslóklem) Inwisloklem (name)
ista(ista) this
ita(ita) thus; so
jur(júr) oath
juks(jux) danger; harm; damage
jux-ark: protect (from harm)
jux-wís: alert
kad(kad) fail; collapse
kah(kah) sacrifice
kah-mání-zen-de: sacrificial
kans(kans) use; consume; eat
kans-in-lem: foodmaker
kal(kal) summon; call; greet; hello; usher in
kal-ort: cast (a spell)
kas(kas) helm
kat(kat) fall
ker(ker) sure; certain
ker-de: to be sure; certainly
kir(kír) circle
qar(klár) bright
qau(klau) chamber
qep(klep) take; get; steal
klep-lem: thief; pirate
qi(klí) three
klí-tim: thrice
kodeks(kódex) book; codex
kor(kor) courage
korp(korp) death; dead
kred(kred) believe; think; consider
kredon (kred-don): entrust
krill(krill) Krill (name)
ku(ku) with
ku-ánte: within
ku-por: combine
kul(kul) knife
lai(lai) joy
lap(lap) stone; rock
laplem(laplem) Laplem (name)
le(le) end; action completed; could
le-in: achieve
le-in-tas: achievement
leg(leg) read
lem(lem) he, she, it, they; him, her, it, them; one; those
lem-de: his, her, its, their
lem-múr: everyone; those
len(len) gentle
len-tas: gentleness
librum(líbrum) librum
liy(ling) language
lok(lók) say; speak; tell
lók-de: talking
lor(lor) light
lor-rel: lens
lor-rel-in-lem: lensmaker
lor-tim: day; daytime
lum(lum) humility
lup(lup) wolf
mag(mag) important
man(mán) remain
mán-char: remains
mani(mání) life; healing; live
mání áilem: food
manu(mánu) hand
mar(mar) sea
mek(mek) sword
mek-lem: swordsman; fighter
mel(mel) black
min(min) less
mir(mír) water
mír-mání: healing potion
mír-sarp: sea serpent
mis(mis) same; too
mis-tas: balance
mis-tim: also
mis-ve: similar
mon(mon) to lead
mon-wís: advice
mont(mont) mountain
mu(mú) compassion
mul(mul) pride
mur(múr) number; multiple; group; many
múr-om: society
naks(nax) poison (n); poisonous
(naxátilor) Naxatilor (name)
naw(násh) Nash (name)
neb(neb) mist
nes(nes) require; must; has to
ni(ni) no; neither
nom(nóm) name
o(o) by
ok(ok) eight
ok-de: eighth
om(om) spirituality
om-de: sacred; holy
om-jux: desecrate
or(or) passion
orb(orb) moon
orb-lap: moonstone
orb-rel: phase of moon
ord(ord) order
ort(ort) magic
ort-lem: mage
ort-mír: magical potion
os(os) bone
ov(ov) egg
pa(pa) by
pal(pál) pale
par(par) equal
par-de: equally
ped(ped) foot
pen(pen) five
per(per) use; function
per-sa: valuable
pisk(pisk) fish
plu(plú) more; most
plú ben: better
por(por) move; movement; moving; bring
por-áilem: take; remove
por-char: leg
por-mír: stream; river
pos(pos) follow; after
pos-tim: future; will; shall
prae(prae) before; precede
prae-tim: past; was; ago
prae-tim-de: ancient
pri(prí) one; unity; first
prí-de: single
prí-in: unify
prí-lem: lord; king; ruler
prí-tas: singularity
kua(qua) what; which; as
qua-lem: who; some
qua-ter: where
qua-tim: when
qua-wís: why; because; reason
kuad(quad) cube
kuae(quae) problem
kuaeven(quaeven) Quaeven (name)
kuan(quan) Quan (name)
kuar(quar) four
kuas(quas) illusion; illusionary
quas-korp: fear; illusion of death
quas-zen: clone
quas-áilem: duplicate
kui(quí) any; anything
kuo(quó) how
ra(ra) valor
rap(rap) quick; urgent; now
rap-tim: quickly approaching; nigh
re(re) (in order) to; to begin; will; shall
re-in: begin
reg(reg) home
rel(rel) change; changing
rel-por: moongate; moongate travel
res(res) answer
reski(reskí) remember
rit(rit) ritual
rot(rót) turn
ru(rú) red
runeb(rúneb) Runeb (name)
sa(sá) can; able; may
sadis(sadis) pain; torture
sadis-túrn: dungeon
saeykt(saengkt) protection
saengkt-grav: force field
saengkt-lor: invisible; invisibility
sal(sal) spring (forth)
sarp(sarp) serpent; snake
sarp-an-zen-ex-lem: snakecharmer
sarp-arí-lem: berserker
sarpliy(sarpling) Sarpling (name)
sek(sek) two; both; second
sek-de: other
sel(sel) choose; select
sem(sem) seven
sem-de: seventh
semi(semi) half
sent(sent) feel; feeling
si(si) if; whether
sik(sik) dry
sil(sil) star; astrology; prediction
silamo(silámo) Silamo (name)
sini(síní) blue
sinvraal(sinvráal) Sin'Vraal (name)
sit(sit) lie; rest
ski(skí) know; knowledge; tell
skí-tas: intelligence; knowledge
skis(skis) cut; tear apart; separate
skri(skrí) write; writing
skrí-lem: writer
sku(sku) shield
sol(sol) only; but
son(son) sound
sum(súm) suppose
summ(summ) honor
sur(súr) sun
ta(ta) shoot
ta-re-por: boomerang
tablap(tablap) slab
tan(tan) touch
tas(tas) quality
te(-te) present tense of verbs; action in progress; in
te-in: continue
te-mání: survive
te-mání-tas: survival
te-per-tas: persistence
tem(tem) storm
ten(ten) have
ter(ter) place
ter-alt: interior; bowels (of earth)
ter-áilem: plane
ter-ánte: entrance; mouth (of cave)
ter-ark: hiding place
ter-esta: there
ter-flam: fireplace
ter-húr: sky
ter-init: original(ly)
ter-ista: here
ter-ista-por: come
ter-mír: lake
ter-múr: world
ter-ort: temple; shrine
ter-por: reach
ter-reg: land
ter-vas-arb: forest
ter-zú: bed
teregus(teregus) Teregus (name)
tim(tim) time; wait
tim-por: arrive; come
trak(trak) to; toward; for; unto
trak-por: pull; draw
trak-tas: direction
tramel(trámel) Trammel (the moon)
tri(trí) interesting
tu(tú) all
tú-tas: whole
tú-tim: always; forever
turn(túrn) cave
u(ú) you
ul(ul) final; last
ul-tim: ultimate
ulem(úlem) you (pl): you and they; "you-all"
um(um) shadow
un(ún) control
uy(ung) claw
urs(urs) bear
us(us) diligence
us-ágra-lem: troop-leader
us-arb-vas-lem: leader of farmers
uus(úus) increase; raise; up
úus-lem: Gargoyle leader
úus-por: ascend
vaglem(vaglem) wanderer
valkadew(válkadesh) Valkadesh (name)
vas(vas) great; big; long; ultimate
vas-áilem: everything
vas-an-ben: plague
vas-an-lor: eclipse
vas-arb: tree
vas-arg-sarp: silver serpent
vas-des: bottom
vas-korp-ágra: battle; war
vas-mír: ocean
vas-por-áilem: tremor
vas-quas: confusion
vas-tim: old; age; epoch; great time
vas-úus: top
vas-wís: (great) knowledge; (ultimate) wisdom
ve(ve) like; as
vel(vel) even
ven(ven) find
ver(ver) true; truth; right
ver-de: truly
ver-in-de: perfect
ver-vid: heed; respect
vers(vers) all right
vest(vest) search
vestas (vest-tas): quest
via(vía) path; course; road
vid(vid) see; look; view; eye
vid-lem: seer
vidúk (vid-dúk): point
vidúk-tas: sign
vir(vír) green
vír-mír: swamp
vit(vit) glass
vol(vol) fly; wing
vol-de: winged
vorteks(vórtex) vortex
ui(wí) we, us (you and I/me)
uide(wíde) our
uilem(wílem) we, us; all of us (you, they, and I)
uis(wís) know; knowledge; wise; wisdom; intelligent
wís-char: head
wís-de: wisely
wís-lem: scholar
wís-lor: see; vision; image
uislem(wíslem) Wislem (name)
uissur(wíssúr) Wis Sur (name)
zaw(zash) something; somewhat
zen(zen) creature; being; animal
zen-korp: undead; daemon
zen-múr: race; people
zen-tú: body
xel(zhel) iron
xen(zhen) family
zu(zú) sleep
zú-áilem: sleep dust
zú-tim: winter

Page copied from the Ultima Web Archive maintained by the UDIC. Code cleaned and converted by Lord Phoenix Dragon -=*UDIC*=-.

The Runic Alphabet

Here is a chart containing the runic alphabet and their roman counterparts:


In some instances the character for U is interchangeable in meaning between U and V. Sometimes KW is used instead of QU.