U:VII:P2:Dear Avatar

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Title: Dear Avatar

Author: Lord British

All of the portents indicate that this Quest to Find Batlin shall severely tax thine abilities. Consequently, I have ordered the armouries of the kingdom opened in order to equip thee and thy good companions. Thou shalt be given these things --

The Glass Sword, which can slay any foe (but which is destroyed in the act of such slaughter).

The MageBane, a fabled weapon which thou didst recover in thy previous encounter with Batlin. It steals the magic from sorcerers who oppose thee.

The Daemon Sword which thou didst obtain at the Forge of Virtue. It is truly a terrible weapon, but thou wilt surely need it. Beware the Daemon within! Rudyom's Wand, which doth make blackrock to explode.

The strange Serpent of Blackrock, which thou didst obtain from netherworlds during thy most recent adventure. Its powers are unknown, but those who gave it thee promised that it would be useful to thee soon.

A spellbook, to which hath been added every spell that could be speedily obtained.

For thee to wear, a set of armour of the best enchantments: breastplate, helm, and gauntlets.

For Iolo the Bard: a crossbow, which he doth wield so well.

For noble Dupre: a Magic Shield which I have prepared for him.

For Shamino the Ranger: a Magic Bow, and a goodly supply of Burst Arrows, which he shall no doubt use to good purpose.

As well as such common items as torches, a pair of swamp boots, a good dagger, and much food for an extended journey. Travel in safety, and may the villain Batlin soon fall into thine hands! Also, I hope that thou shalt soon find Iolo's lost wife, the goodwoman Gwenno.

-- Lord British, thy liege.

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