U:VII:P2:Bren's Diary

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Title: Bren's Diary

Author: Bren

This day Silverpate came to see me. The black-harted demon came to glote, and to give me scroll and kwill. He said that I could rite whate'er I wanted, fer I would never see daylite agin. I fear he is rite. Silverpate beleves that I stole from him, the paranoid old coot! I ne'er woud beleve me mates when they spoke of the "littel demons" in the cap'in's pate, tellin him what to do. Corse, I beleved em rite enuf when ol' Pate tole me these things hisself! Alas, I lerned too late to prevent me imprisonment. I figure ol' Pate will ne'er read me words, and if he do, then so be it.

Whomever ye be that reads me words, be warned aginst Cap'in Silverpate. He uses majic wardrobes to spy on his own mates! The littel swiches at the Bull don't work, the cap'in said, unless the "Master Wardrobe" is used. This "Master Wardrobe" be sichuated down in these here catacomes. I also herd the evil-harted bastard yammer bout sum Serpint Gate. Ol' Pate said the gate was hidden. It be rite hard to be thinkin strate, but I think the cap'n said something bout too torches markin the hidden entrans. Maybe this Serpint Gate cood help thee. Corse, it be likely that no bloke will e'er read me scribling...

Pate thinks everyone be after his trezhure. So distrustful be ol' Pate, he even spies on his own famly! Let it be nown that I, Bren, cheef bosun on the Black Gull, were a pirate who ne'er turned aginst one o' his own...

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