On the Tribes of Eodon: Barako

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Title: On the Tribes of Eodon: Barako

Author: Professor Ellie Rafkin

During our exploration of the Northeastern reaches of the Valley we encountered a dense forest with a tall, expansive canopy. Bananas grow in mass within the forest, a welcome surprise to our escorts who somehow manage to continue to eat whatever nightly concoction our cooks manage to prepare. I was unaware bananas could be prepared with such variety, and I must admit while the sound of a warm banana salad left little to be desired on my starving palate I was pleasantly surprised how delicious the dish was. As one might suspect, bananas in the Valley of Eodon are similar to what one might encounter in Britannia, albeit they are somewhat longer and more slender. It seemed to matter little to the indigenous gorilla population who when approached can be quite aggressive and possess great strength and accuracy, particularly when targeting someone with a recently picked banana. In huts nestled high in the trees are the Barako tribe. The Barako, much like the other tribes of Eodon, worship the gorilla and are in awe of their strength. The Barako are battle tested and their dress reflects their readiness for a fight. Most interestingly enough, however, was what the Chief of the Barako described to me as the Great Ape. As the legend goes a great ape lives in a cave, surround by a hoard of bananas the ape's lesser gorilla accomplices gather, not far from the Barako. The Chief also went on to describe the few encounters their people had with the Great Ape, particularly mentioned the strength and throwing accuracy of the Ape itself. Some scouts in our party ventured into the cave only to report what appeared to be man made trusses with barrels resting on top. While the barrels appeared massive and likely requiring the effort of several men to move, they would be little challenge for a creature of the size and stature of the Great Ape. Our scouts did not stay long, however, as the number of gorillas within the cave quickly swelled with their presence before the scouts retreated out of a fear for their safety.

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