GLRP:EMs:gl.uoem.netArchives:Towns and Banners 01/29/10

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Towns and Banners

Posted by EM Elizabella on 01/29/10

It pleases Her Majesty, Queen Dawn, to announce that her court will now grant recognition to towns and prominent establishments. In celebration of this decree, such communities are invited to submit designs for banners that reflect their spirit and history.

Please see Town Recognition and Banners for details.


Anonymous says:
January 29, 2010 at 4:47 pm
Is this based on homes or actual players? I know one ‘player’ city is around, and it has many houses, but it actually is just 2 players with multiple accounts.

Elizabella says:
January 29, 2010 at 5:58 pm
I’m using the “reasonable visitor” standard. If there are twenty houses in an area, all with signs proclaming them to be Town X, similar architecture, and a mailbox and message board, then a reasonable visitor would consider that to clearly be a community. Conversely, a single building that holds twice-weekly events and thus often has crowds of people around it with whom a visitor could socialize would also clearly be considered a community by a reasonable visitor.

Gem says:
January 30, 2010 at 8:50 am
This is so cool!

Galen says:
January 30, 2010 at 1:59 pm
I’m glad to see this, though I have nothing to contribute myself.


-Galen’s player

Galen says:
January 30, 2010 at 9:02 pm
I am glad the “reasonable visitor” standard is being used instead of trying to discern who is using what account. It makes a lot more sense. A viable town could exist wherein all the buildings are owned by a player or two, but the place is still often-visited and often-used.

-Galen’s player

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