GLRP:EMs:Royal Spies:2009:CoS:Spell Notes

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Title: Spell Notes

Author: Poxcrafter

I do the work of my master. It calls out in my nightmares, driving me to complete this task. I know what I do now will not matter for hundreds of years, until that which is lost is found. I know my lich form may be dust before the call wakes forth the death pox I have made. Still, I infect this hamlet with the pox, knowing these few lives are but a token of what plague will follow. The blight feeds off the living. It is elemental malevolence given form. It is beautiful. Few can so work the death ethers like I can, though I owe my skill to the nightmare lord. One day, someone will surpass my skill. The death pox can taste that potential as well...

To create the plague, assuming location and ether allows:

Vas Kal Ort Xen Corp Nox Hur

To inflame the fever of the dark pox:

Vas Uus Flam Ex Vas Corp

To make it sleep rather than wither to nothing:

Vas Zu Tym Nox Ort An Zu

To destroy the pox (requires the sacrifice of a magical being):

Vas An Ort Xen Corp Nox Hur

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