GLRP:EMs:Royal Spies:2009:CoS:Cult of Styx Code Key

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Title: Cult of Styx Code Key

Author: Ra'Dian Fl'Gith

The code of Styx is one part ritual, one part spell, as revealed by the late Dexter, Royal Spy, and as unearthed upon ziggurats within the Underworld. Each reagent used in the code matches to two standard characters of the common alphabet, so the decode process happens in two steps -- first you must decode the coded message to match the two characters that belong to that reagent, and then you must determine via context which character is the correct character for each reagent. The code follows, with an example following that.

Batwing.........................C M
Black Pearl.................A J
Bloodmoss.....................T X
Daemon Blood..............L W
Garlic.............................O V
Ginseng..........................I Q
Grave Dust.....................R G
Mandrake Root...............E Z
Nightshade.......................S B
Nox Crystal....................U F
Pig Iron...........................D Y
Spider's Silk..................N K
Sulfurous Ash...............H P

If you happened upon the following:

Sulfurous Ash, Garlic, Nox Crystal, Nightshade, Mandrake Root
lying on the ground in that order (left to right), then you would have:

H/P, O/V, U/F, S/B, and E/Z.

There may sometimes be a couple of solutions, but usually one will present itself either through context or through the obvious nature of the code. In this example, HOUSE would be the correct decode.

However, in studying this code, I have sometimes mistaken MAN as CAN instead because M and C both code to Batwing. However, after thinking about the context of the situation (involving Imperus Noxum), I came to realize that since the preceding word was POISON that the correct following word was MAN and not CAN as I had first figured. Of course, I'm old, and I have made that mistake several times, which is why context is very important to consider when decoding any of the spell code of the Cult of Styx.

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