GLRP:EMs:Event Bios:Clara the Healer

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Clara the Healer

Occupation: Healer

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Location: Britain

Alignment: Good

Status: Living


Clara is a healer who works out of the Healers' in West Britain, near the counselors' guild hall which is in no way a secret, clandestine meeting place for certain agents of the government of Britannia.

Clara came to prominence by treating the wounds of Minister of Security Magnus Grey inflicted via a cursed weapon wielded by the vile Oswald "the Beggar."  She took a personal interest in the case, leading agents of the Britannian Government on a quest to find components to cure the MInister's seemingly-incurable wounds, and yelling at the Minister and, paradoxically, their own agents when he ended up collapsing after doing more than he should have.

The last anyone saw Clara she was tending to the Minister, who had collapsed into a coma or unconsciousness of some kind.

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