Enchantment of the Royal Sea:P1:Officers Journal

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Title: Officer's Journal

Author: Garrity Samuels

There's no point in continuing on with any of this anymore. Not after she was gone. Captain Johne was thinking I'd leave his service...but there's nothing to leave to anymore. Nothing in this town or this world truly matters to me anymore. I threw it all away without even meaning to, and nothing I can do can bring it back. Why did I ever go to the tavern that night? Why did I ever speak to that woman, interfere with her fight with that man? This is what comes of trying to be a righteous person. This is what happens when Compassion is followed. This is what happens when you try to help people. It does nothing but burn you. Burns everything away from you. There's no such thing as Virtue in this world, and anyone who says otherwise is a fool. They're just a convenient lie we tell ourselves to try and feel like 'proper' people. There's no such thing.

There's no such thing as Virtue in a world where Abigail isn't alive. No such thing as love. I'll go with Captain Johne...but only because I'd be doing him a bad turn if I didn't. And he deserves better than that.

If only I hadn't been wearing the ring already. If only I hadn't finished the rum...if only....

If only...

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