Chapter Eight - The Return to Virtue

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Title: Chapter Eight - The Return to Virtue

Author: The Amanuensis

Two days after the Drow script was delivered, it was finally translated. Not by Sky, who Tanth mistook for a scholar, but by Niltsiar. He read the words aloud:

I am dead, yet I walk. You think I am a heretic. You are wrong. When the time is here.
You will know all. Until then, you will think I am dead.

The words flung fast and furious. "Dead? The Betrayed? More lies!" Of course, the message was purely symbolic. Tanthazarus, without his companions and his true love, considered himself to be dead. And it all was in the name of defeating the Drow. Yet he had fallen to them, so how more symbolic would it be than to send the message in their foreign tongue?

Finally, doubt had been planted in the heads of a few. Tanthazarus still held the loyalty of a select few, but the numbers were growing. In time, the wounds would be healed, and, hopefully, Silvaria would soon forget of the plans he laid against her and the Dark Elven.

Yet as soon as the words flowed out of his mouth, a pigeon fluttered into the window of the quiet cabin. A message from Sorn Duskryn. It spake of the ill-fate that should come unto Tanthazarus when he next surfaced. Silvaria was no fool, and he knew this, but she found out much sooner than he had hoped.

Any thoughts of his penetrating the Bregan D'Aerth and stealing the war from under their noses were gone now, only to be replaced by the fear of what would happen should she lay eyes upon him again.

He sighed heavily... He knew the time was near that he would have to face his Brethren and explain everything. Enough knew of the plot that he should be able to convince the rest. What he was afraid of, however, was that they would question his secrecy and deceit. But he knew he must face them, tell them all, as he'd promised.

Suddenly, he felt a huge weight lifted from his shoulders.

The name came to him, as if remembering from a dream long ago: Eilistraee. He pictured her long, flowing hair as she sung to the music of a beautiful lute. He sighed in relief.

Finally, the war was over.